
Boutique Mode Magicut is open BY WALK IN IN-STORE SHOPPING. You can visit our Boutique any time without appointment. However, we suggest our client come by and book an appointment before coming during the busy days.


How to book an appointment?

Please go to our website page Appointment.

Select the appointment type as make an order.

Completely your payment.

Appointments fee will not be refunded to the card if you NO CALL/NO SHOW.


Which days we suggest our clients need to book an appointment before coming?


November to March:

Monday to Wednesday
During the winter season, we open the store by booking an appointment from Monday to Wednesday.
Friday and Saturday, we are open as usual.
Sunday is closed.


April to October:

Friday , Saturday and Sunday
In principle, our boutique is open BY WALK IN IN-STORE SHOPPING; you can visit our Boutique any time without appointment.
However, during the busy season, we suggest our clients come by and book an appointment to get fast, efficient, and 30 minutes one-to-one service. After 30 minutes, you can stay in the boutique to continue shopping. If we do not have an appointment after you, the salesperson will continue working with you. However, it is not one to one services, we will services other walk in clients at the same time. 


Type of Appointments


  1. Classic Bridal Appointment 

30 minutes in length
Allows for up to (1-4) guests
*includes babies and children
30$ Charge for Book and appointment.
A $30 fee will not be refunded to the card if you NO CALL/NO SHOW.


2.Bridal +(5-8)  Appointment

30 minutes in length
Allows for up to (5-8) guests
*includes babies and children
25$ Booking fee (non-refundable)
*To enhance the shopping experience for all our customers.

For groups of 5 guests or more, we suggest the clients make an appointment in advance. It is not mandatory. However, guests with reservations will receive priority one-on-one customer service.


Cancellation Policy

We appreciate that sometimes you may need to cancel or reschedule your appointment and kindly ask that you provide at least 24 hours notice.

We reserve the right to charge 30$ for “Classic Bridal Appointment” appointments missed without notice.